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The Modal component helps you to intergrate a Modal UI to your app. For it to work, you must manage a boolean state that conditionally renders the component. It could look like {open ? <Modal>HI</Modal> : null}. You could also use a Logical AND operator, but you might want to read this on why a ternary might be a better option.

The Syntax#

const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);return (  <div>    {open ? (      <Modal handleClose={onClose}>        <h1>Hello, World!</h1>      </Modal>    ) : null}  </div>);


handleCloseFunctionThe state update function that must unmount the Modal component, i.e. set the boolean state to false.
childrenString or React.ReactNodeThe modal content, which is up to your creativity.
optional colorStringThis is an optional prop that you can pass to control the background color of your Modal.

Example 1#

The first example illustrates how you could approach rendering a Modal for your app. An user action like a click even can update the open state to true, and render Modal as a result. It can be for things like Learn more that gives users more information on certain things.


import { useState } from 'react'import { Modal } from 'kantan-components'
const App = () => {  const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);  const onOpen = () => setOpen(true);  const onClose = () => setOpen(false);  return (    <>      <button onClick={onOpen}>Open Modal</button>      {open ? (        <Modal handleClose={onClose} color="rgb(204, 204, 204)">         {/* apply custom style here*/}          <article>            <h1>Welcome to Kantan-Component</h1>            <p>              You might to want to install the `useToggle` hook from the              `kantan-hooks` library to manage your boolean state.            </p>          </article>        </Modal>      ) : null}    </>  );};};

Example 2#

For this example, we will use the useToggle hook from kantan-hooks to more easily manage the boolean state.

Unlike the first example, the Modal is rendered upon page load, or more specifically, when App has mounted, and the useEffect callback runs. You might have seen something like this on websites that ask you to subscribe to their news letter.


import { useState, useEffect } from "react";import { useToggle } from "kantan-hooks";import { Modal } from "kantan-components";
const App = () => {  const { open, onOpen, onClose } = useToggle(false);
  useEffect(() => {    onOpen();  }, [onOpen]);  return (    <>      {open ? (        <Modal handleClose={onClose} color="rgb(204, 204, 204)">          {/* apply custom style here*/}          {/*Note that the color prop and the background color of your own CSS should match*/}          <article className="box-space">            <h1>Newsletter</h1>            <p>Please consider subscribing to our newsletter.</p>            {/* component allowing email subscription*/}            <EmailSubscription />          </article>        </Modal>      ) : null}    </>  );};